Financial Assistance
Believe Your GRReatness Music Education Grant
The Believe Your GRReatness Music Education Grant was created to make music education an accessible option to empower area youth to improve their mental and emotional health. Grant money is awarded to grant recipients selected who may otherwise not have the financial resources necessary to pursue an interest in music education, for use in paying for Music Lessons and/or Instruments. Grant amounts are determined on a case by case basis and will vary in range depending on individual needs. Please see the application for complete details and instructions on applying.
Gil Rodriguez Memorial Scholarship
The Gil Rodriguez Memorial Scholarship is intended to provide scholarships to deserving, at-risk high school graduating seniors who wish to pursue a course of study that includes music education at either a two-year or four-year educational institution, or for use on an accredited gap year or music program. Please see the application for complete details, criteria and instructions on applying.